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The History of Elliott's Hardware

In 1914, Jerre B. Elliott was born a salesman. The bug hit him early, as he was selling newspapers on the corner at the age of six. Fast forward to the 1940s, when Jerre met hundreds of people while traveling through Texas selling oil, fertilizer and other goods. He noticed a need for hard-to-find hardware items, and began sourcing them.

Today’s Elliott’s Hardware began in 1947 a few miles west of downtown Dallas in a little house on Maple Avenue. The house, which had been most recently used to store hay, became Elliott’s first hardware store.

Item by item, Jerre grew his young business. When a customer came in looking for a specific item, he'd find it, purchasing two—one for the customer and one for the shelf.

As his inventory grew, word spread about Mr. Elliott’s little hardware store that had everything. In those early years, Jerre’s wife Kathleen managed the accounts, stowing invoices in an old cigar box. Their only daughter, JoAnn, often played under her parents’ desks. The stores on Maple have long since been replaced by newer stores in Casa Linda, Dallas, Plano and Mesquite.

Our 100+ employees—several of whom have worked with us for 20 years or more—pride themselves on finding the right product for every customer. As Elliott’s longtime customers like to say, “If Elliott’s Hardware doesn’t have it, then you don’t need it”. Our customer service and unparalleled selection make Elliott’s the hardware store of choice for 70 years and counting.